Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Outside my Window

"In every direction rose mountains, an embarrassment of them, erupting in incremental shades of blue from the burnt yellow plains -- mountains of every description and geological origin, some volcanic, some forged by faults and violent uplifts, some stand-alone monadnocks, others tied to the Rocky Mountain chain. They all had Spanish names and had had them since before the pilgrims sailed to Plymouth Rock: The Sandias. Manzanos. Ortiz. Jemez. Los Cerrillos. Sangre de Cristos. San Mateos. Atalaya. Some seemed so close they could be plucked as effortlessly as pendulous fruit, others were more than a hundred miles off, thin blue phantoms rising from the Navajo country in the hazy west." -Santa Fe's mountains, as described in Blood & Thunder.

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